Marlow Opportunity Playgroup
Marlow Opportunity Playgroup offers a secure, relaxed and happy environment where pre-school children with additional needs learn through structured play and exploration.
Irrespective of their differences, children’s individuality is valued and nurtured in order for them to achieve their potential, within a parent-involved setting. for more information visit
Project Shalom
All the work we do in the UK is done by volunteers. There are no paid employees, there are no buildings to rent, no fees to pay. Every penny raised goes into the project and directly benefits the children in Jinja.
In the UK we have a Board of Trustees (4 individuals) and a Fundraising Committee whose job it is to identify fundraising opportunities and to generate a total of £22,000 of new funding in 2014. The UK Board meets and the Fundraising Committee meet as needed but at least 4 times per year. The AGM will be held in the United Reformed Church in Marlow, Buckinghamshire on May 17, 2014. For more information please visit