Parenting Classes



Do you often feel frazzled in the morning trying to get your little ones ready to leave the house ? Do bedtimes seem like battle grounds ? Are you tired of hearing your own voice asking your child to do something over and over again ? and do you sit down exhausted at the end of the day feeling like you have not done the best job ?

No one can ever say that parenting is easy but there are many things you can put in place to help your experience become a positive one.

I  recognise the challenges that parents face in their everyday life and offer coaching support to help parents transform their selves and their family life. This is done  by offering ;-

  •  Individual one to one parent coaching
  • individual coaching to both Mums and Dads
  • Group parent coaching classes


 These sessions will allow you the space to explore your family life and the things you would like to change. In the sessions we will work on the goals you have chosen to work on, developing strategies that will work in your family to help you achieve a balanced happy family life. Through parent coaching You will  feel  in control, focused and guilt free and your children will develop into confident happy independent children with high self esteem .


 When you become a mum your focus often shifts towards looking after your child and juggling the many roles required to run the home and look after your family. Many mums struggle to think about themselves and often feel they are loosing their identity as a person.  Decisions about working or not working , whether to start doing something different, often lead to feeling of  confusion , guilt and feeling of being out of control.

Coaching will help you get back on track and give you the space to think about you and what you want. it will also give you the chance to identify what is really important to you . Coaching will help you to achieve what you want and remove the barriers that hold you back. All this will be done in a supportive environment where you can come up with your goals and dreams and the action plan to achieve them. Coaching will put the me back into you helping you find your identity as a person.


 When you become a Dad your focus shifts and you may feel like you  have lost your identity , you often can feel overwhelmed by your new role and the juggling of your family life with that of the demands of work and the sense of financial responsibility . You may struggle when you walk through the door to know how to support your partner how to deal with your children as well as struggling with feeling good about yourself and your life.

Coaching will help to provide a safe place for you to explore your feelings and to decide what is important to you, It will  help you focus on your goals and help you to become the person you want to be while moving around the  limiting beliefs and the habits that have been holding you  back


My parenting coaching courses are designed to help parents to become experts in creating a happy family life based on co-operation, respect love and joy.

Group classes are a great way to develop your parenting skills and find strategies that work in your unique family life. The classes are designed to strengthen and deepen your understanding and help you connect with your children on a deeper level.

The classes will take place in small groups where parents can explore their challenges, come up with strategies, as well as hearing what goes on in others family lives.

The sessions revolve round a number of key areas

These include

  • The art and power of communication within family life
  • The promotion of positive behavior
  • Boundaries, conflict resolution and cooperation
  • Play, love and independence
  • Confidence building and increasing self esteem in ourselves, and our children.

The courses are aimed at parents of children from 2-11 with other courses being developed for teenagers later in the year. The classes can be attended by both parents or by mums and dads on their own.

The dates for the next Group coaching course can be obtained by contacting Julie on 07884 428567 or emailing her on


Additional daytime and Evening classes are to be released soon  

 To book – Email Julie on 07884 428567